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Firefighting foam sample quality analysis and lab testing

Foam concentrate quality is crucial to ensure efficient firefighting operations. Long-term storage under wrong storage conditions can impact foam quality and fire suppression foams ongoing performance (dilution, contamination, system failure…). Further foam sample analysis and foam testing are periodically required. Most of international standards recommend firefighting foam concentrate annual testing.


Since 1998, BIOEX laboratory has knowledge and experience to evaluate foam samples. Our foam specialists offer unbiased and reliable foam analysis with all types of firefighting foam concentrates, whatever their origin, using controlled laboratory standards. BIOEX laboratory is certified under ISO9001 V2015.


BIOEX achieves foam concentrates sample analysis to make sure of foam physical-chemical properties according to standard protocols such as EN1568, ICAO, IMO, UL, LASTFIRE and NFPA.

The foam sample analysis service offers standard analysis with :

  • Physico-chemical properties: pH, density and viscosity
  • Sedimentation
  • Foam expansion ratio
  • 25% drainage time
  • Surface tension
  • Spreading coefficient

More specific analyses can also be carried out in addition to the standard analysis:

  • Proportioning test (refractive index and/or conductimetry)
  • Miscibility test 

For all other requests, please contact us.

Foam sample analysis will be processed as quickly as possible. The results are reported with a comprehensive test report certifying product conformity upon completion of analysis. BIOEX provide reliable recommendations about the use of foam concentrate.

The deadline for sending the report will be communicated once your order has been registered and your sample has been successfully received

Request a quote

How to proceed to a foam sample analysis?

First, request a foam sample analysis quotation by contacting us and validate it.

Second, take foam samples following instructions below and fill in the printed sample return form with as much information as possible and note any special conditions or problems:

  • Your order references
  • Foam manufacturer name
  • Type or name of the foam concentrate (for example AFFF 6%)
  • Concentration rate on hydrocarbons and on polar solvents (essential to determine the sample compliance)
  • Type of water used
  • Batch number/manufacturing date
  • Date of sample
  • Source of sample (for example bottom tank n°1)
  • Storage conditions…

Finally, ship foam samples to BIOEX Lab at the indicated address and attached or email us the document filled.

How often test foam concentrate or foam premix quality?

Periodic sample testing is required by international standards. NFPA-11 recommend to monitor all foam systems and foam concentrate or foam premix quality annually in your regular maintenance program.

How to take foam sample?

Samples taken from the foam system should be representative of the foam concentrate stored.

  • To collect a foam concentrate sample in a 25l can, 200l drum or 1000l tote, please use a manual pump. Pick up the concentrate about 20cm below the upper-level and fill a 1l plastic container.
    If the foam concentrate level is too low, please take a foam sample by opening the tote valve. Prior to sampling, let about 0.5l of foam concentrate to flow out in order to avoid valve impurity.
  • To obtain a uniform and representative sample of the foam concentrate stored in a tank:
    • Collect a sample from the tank bottom, ensuring the prior flow of sediments or any residues
    • Then continue to fill the foam sample with tank top and middle sample

Please collect about 1 litre of foam concentrate sample in an unbreakable plastic bottle/jar to avoid damage during shipment. This container must be clean and dry (free of any residue) and tightly sealed.

The foam sample container must be marked or labelled showing identification information (company name, date of sample collection, type of foam concentrate, concentration, sample source). Ensure the bottle is clean and dry before writing on.

Don’t forget to complete sample identification information onto the sample return form.

Contact us for more information

Discover our different services

BIOEX customer support services provides our customer assistance in case of urgent need of foam concentrate, foam sample analysis and testing. We provides a foam calculation tool defining foam concentrate needs. BIOEX also supports companies in their transition to Fluorine-Free Foam (F3).

BIOEX has a strong experience in foam formulation, analysis and testing. We work closely with our customers to offer high-performance firefighting foams. These foams are laboratory and large-scale tested.